PUblic and private
On this page you can find my thoughts and proces of the autonomous practise public and private
Writing warm-ups from the theory class:
Isabel and her room
In this document you can find the little assignment I did at thursday. I did´t have that much time, because I had to leave early, so I´ll probably do one of the assignments again when I have a little more time. For this one I took very close up pictures of things in my room and descriped how they feel. I also thought about some catogories: textiles, plants, random objects that cought my attention, art and me (because I am so much in my room that you can count me as interior).
I had a lot of different ideas and because isabel told me a lot about inspiration I thought let´s see if I can do more then one.
I was interested in making kind of 2d 3d things. Sounds a bit vague maybe. I started with painting (2D) the imaginary room on a glass (3D). I chose glass because it lets in light and I never really worked with it before so I wanted to experience it.
After that I wanted to make a maquette in one line with iron wire. The execution of this idea didn't go that great, and I wish I could have done it in the material station with the right equipment (I couldn't go to school this week because I was sick and although I tested negative for covid I didn't want to risk to make someone else sick). I hope that maybe I can go to school next monday, because I really do want to explore the stations.
I do think it still looks kinda interesting, but it could have been excecuted way better.
I found it interesting that it created kind of a loop. You could keep spinning the glas, because it never really ended.
As a next step I took the lines from the painting I created and dit a simple line painting on a glass (Isabel also told me she liked that type of drawings).
Thin & Thick description for theory (version 1). I will type it out later when I have some time left.
Back to the maquettes. I looked at the one line glass and decided to fill it in with the primary colors (a very thin layer so the light would shine trough) because Isabel told me she loved colors and from the primary colors you can mix everything. I also associate her with the primary colors for some reason.
I painted the color blocks that where on the glass on paper. After that I cut out half of the shapes and folded it. In this way I kinda created 3d from 2d, but it's still flat. It also looks a bit like a maze to me, just like isabel and her inspiration somtimes.
For this maquette I got inspiration from an artist I heard about when I was like 12, idk who it was anymore, but he created whole buildings out of paper by just cutting and folding, adding nothing extra.
Brainstorming with my group
our story
Some experiments we did in the ceramic station on monday:
I had to leave a bit early because I had a doctersappointment but they started making the sculpture, it looks really cool so far in my opinion.
what we did: (credits to anika)
I also started working on the theory assignment. I most of the time struggle with writing texts. I din't really know where to start, so I began with answering the criteria:
On wednesday we worked further on the maquette together in the ceramics station. We perfected the sculpture and added structure in the holes (representing different sounds). We also created 'de voorkamer' made out of mirrors representing the confrontation with yourself you had to make before you could enter the safe space. Here are some pictures of the day:
Deciding how we wanted the self-reflecting-halway to go
Cutting the mirror in the ceramics station
How the hallway looked before we decided to take away the little mirrors (we all agreed it looked a bit to kitsch)
my theory assignment:
I talked more about the first part of the practice because for me that was more a combination of the theory and practice. That doesn't mean I think that part is more important, it was just too much to talk about all of the practice in 500 words:)
The save space
You are stuck in your own body and lost in a world where everything has to be done quickly and better. You have been looking for a way out for years. You feel an alienation from yourself and the world. But how do you find the way out?
You walk through the world and discover a gigantic sculpture in the distance. You start questioning if you are actually seeing this? It feels like an oasis made up from organic shapes at the same time sounds enter your body.
The sculpture now being clearly visible, you walk down the self-reflective hall where the sounds are unbearable and awaken your worst fears. You accept your fears and experience them which opens a dark hole that you walk through. A space around you forms the feeling of ultimate relief. Now you understand what is important to you and what your purpose is in life.
To present our maquette in the best way we made a video to layer the ceramic sculpture with sounds to stimulate the difference between the horrific sounds in the front room while overcoming your fear and the calming sounds in the safe space once relief has been found.
And here is another video with some more detail but without the sound.